- adenodactyl
- гельм.дополнительный совокупительный орган* * *дополнительный совокупительный орган
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
adenodactyl — n.; pl. tyli, yls [Gr. aden, gland; daktylos, finger] (PLATYHELMINTHES: Turbellaria) Prostatoid male apparatus occurring in the wall of the common antrum in some freshwater and land triclads and some Acoela, thought to act as stimulators in… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
adenodactyl — ad·e·no·dac·tyl … English syllables
adenodactyl — əˈdenəˌdaktəl, ēn noun ( s) Etymology: aden + Greek daktylos finger : one of the penislike supplementary structures in the male reproductive system of certain turbellarians … Useful english dictionary
adenocheiri — see adenodactyl … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
bursa copulatrix — 1. A genital pouch of numerous invertebrates. 2. In certain male nematodes and acanthocephalans, a modified caudal ala or alae, circular or oval, may be divided into two lateral symmetrical or asymmetrical lobes, separated by a dorsal lobe, and… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology